Inversion Tables

Everfit Inversion Table Gravity Exercise Inverter Back Stretcher Home Gym Grey
56% OFF RRP $339.95

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Inversion Table Gravity Exercise Inverter Back Stretcher Home Gym Black
56% OFF RRP $339.95

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Inversion Table Gravity Stretcher Inverter Foldable Home Fitness Gym
48% OFF RRP $584.95

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Shop Online Inversion Table Foldable Stretchers - HR Sports

Hr Sports offers a safe massage gravity inversion table with an adjustable foldable back invert. Buy now with afterpay. We have a foldable inversion table at an affordable price in Australia. The inversion table does not provide long-term relief from back pain, and it is not suitable for everyone. Inversion tables involve hanging upside down, and the head-down position could be dangerous for anyone with high blood pressure, heart disease, or glaucoma. Inversion therapy, also known as after-pay inversion table, is the process of obtaining therapeutic benefits by hanging by the legs, ankles, or feet at an inverted angle or completely upside down. This is a type of spinal traction. We have various types of fitness equipment such as:

Gravity boots are ankle braces used in inversion therapy. Some people use gravity boots to add a new level of difficulty to their workouts, such as inverted crunches or squats. Begin by hanging for 30 seconds to 1 minute at a time in a moderate position. You should Then increase the time by 2 to 3 minutes. If you don't feel well, listen to your body and get back to an upright position. You may be able to progress to using the inversion table for 10 to 20 minutes at a time. 

The inversion table is a technique that involves hanging upside down in order to stretch the spine and relieve back pain. According to the After pay inversion table theory, shifting the body's gravity relieves pressure on the back while also providing traction for the spine.

Advantages of Inversion Table:

  • Replenish discs.
  • Reduce the strain on your nerves.
  • Afterpay the inversion table Reposition the spine.
  • Muscles that are tense should be relaxed. However, the benefits go beyond just spinal health and pain relief, and can also help to: Reduce stress.
  • Inversion table Improve the health of your joints.
  • Increase your adaptability.
  • Improve your fitness and core strength.

Why Invest in HR Sports?
If you’re looking for an exceptional inversion table, head over to our website HR sports to exclusive